The Republic of Agora



Euro SIFMANet STHLM Report

Gonzalo Saiz | 2023.09.22

Participants discussed the sanctions implementation in Sweden and how new EU sanctions imposed on Russia are challenging the Swedish system.

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Post-Prigozhin RU In Africa

Mathieu Droin and Tina Dolbaia | 2023.09.20

Any changes in Wagner’s command and control following Prigozhin’s presumed death do not necessarily mean that Russia is abandoning the Wagner model altogether, given the significant geopolitical and economic benefits that it provides for the Kremlin in Africa.

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A Democratic Resilience Centre

John Healey and Elisabeth Braw | 2023.09.19

Disinformation and other non-military aggression by Russia and other countries is dangerously undermining Western democracies. But despite the seriousness of such threats, the UK and its democratic allies are poorly protected against them. The UK and the US should lead the establishment of a Democratic Resilience Centre for NATO member states and likeminded countries.

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Seller’s Remorse

Max Bergmann, et al. | 2023.09.18

Russia’s role as a major global arms supplier is under threat. This report analyzes how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the concomitant Western sanctions have affected the status of its role.

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Degradation Everywhere

Darya Dolzikova | 2023.09.18

Situated on the front line of the war in Ukraine, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant poses ongoing risks. These relate not only to the threat of Russian sabotage, but also to the gradual deterioration of the facility under the extreme operating conditions.

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Arctic Geopolitics

Andreas Østhagen, et al. | 2023.09.14

Tensions in the Arctic among great powers have increased since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But the unique status of the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard complicates this broad geopolitical framing of the region.

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Greyzone Lawfare

Giangiuseppe Pili, et al. | 2023.09.13

Russia’s likely use of the SPARTA IV, an alleged civilian vessel, to transport military materiel from Tartus, Syria to its port in Novorossiysk is yet another example of Moscow’s penchant for manipulating international law to satisfy its wartime agenda.

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Decoding Emerging Threats

Louise Marie Hurel | 2023.09.11

On 24 July 2023, RUSI and Estonia – with the co-sponsorship of the governments of Costa Rica and Vanuatu – organised a closed roundtable on “Decoding Emerging Threats: Ransomware and the Prevention of Cyber Crises”.

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Coop. In Great Power Rivalry

Melvyn P. Leffler | 2023.09.11

As one of the most harrowing crises in human history wound down over the Russian installation of missiles in Cuba, Nikita Khrushchev, the chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, wrote to President John F. Kennedy: “There is no evil without good. Evil has brought some good. The good is that now people have felt more tangibly the breathing of the burning flames of thermonuclear war and have a more clear realization of the threat looming over them if the arms race is not stopped.”

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No Place to Hide

James Gillespie | 2023.09.08

What does the Tornado Cash case mean for how DeFi platforms can be held accountable under anti-money laundering and sanctions laws?

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